It Came, it Went

Once again Christmas came and went. Presents were bought, wrapped, exchanged and the paper all picked up and thrown away. Family gathered, we celebrated with a giant meal, Turkey and all the trimmings, christmas crackers, merrily donning our paper hats.

I enjoyed it, but I was exhausted. Moving for the fourth year in a row has taken its toll on me. I've not been able to bounce back energy wise. I have to work real hard to motivate myself to get things done and some things I've always enjoyed doing have become a chore. This fall I also took a break from knitting - it's a sign.  Low energy, crabby, don't feel like doing the things I love, excessive heartburn, weight gain...sigh. 

It will pass. It always does. It happens every time we are transferred. But four times in a row makes it harder to slog through.

Ministry is hard at the best of times. With our organizations top down ecclesiastical structure we often feel pulled in different directions - accountable to the congregation, accountable to the public but also accountable to our supervisors. 

Sometimes it's just so tiring.

Today I spoke about the need to be still. To sit and listen to the voice within. To seek the word that is within us - Jesus, within us, living in us. 

Time to be spiritual and stop being religious.

Time to listen to God and plug our ears to the cacophony around us.

Time to be still. Time to seek God in the midst of it all.

"Be still and know that I am God."


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