Music That Moves Me

What kind of music moves you? I don't mean your favourite song, I mean the sound of music that inspires you.  Different music brings out different emotions in me. When we're in the car and I hear music by Simon & Garfunkle and other folk groups with their vocal harmonies, I just can't help singing along with them. Other music just perks me up and I want to dance along. In our family, by far the favourite to dance along with, is Earth, Wind & Fire's September... I used to dance around the house to that with my girls when they were young. They still love it!

I thought I'd share with you some of the music that I just love and play over and over. These pieces continue to move me in different ways.

When I need comfort I listen to calming music. I can always fall asleep to this no matter what is spinning in my head at night...

When I need inspiration I listen to classical, this is one of my one of my favourite violinists, Sarah Chang...

And also Rachmaninoff... reminds me of a special night at the Vancouver Symphony...

There are so many songs I love when it comes to my faith and spiritual inspiration. Hillsongs With All I Am and Still. However, I still love Andre Crouch and his Through it All classic (found here) ... but he still has it in him after all these years! I'm giving my age away here by admitting I used to go to Massey Hall in Toronto to those All Night Sings where I heard all time gospel favourites! They inspired my faith as a teenager...

However, the most beautiful song in it's original and it's more updated version is I'm In His Hands. You can hear the whole story here by Phil Laeger on Kickstarter. His version is simply the most beautiful piece I've ever heard. The combination of Stanley Ditmer's deeply moving words and Phil's his new melody moves the spirit within. I believe it is a Holy Spirit conceived piece of music - by both writers. Just listen to this... it brings up such emotion in me.  As an officer I place my life in His hands every day, not only for my ministry, but for my future and where He'll lead me. This past couple of years have been very difficult for me and I've often wanted to turn back and follow another path. This song helps me stay the course and have assurance that no matter what happens, I'm in HIS hands.

Hope you enjoyed this little musical journey. I love that God created music for us to enjoy, to inspire, to comfort and to deepen our faith.

grace... Kathie


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