Safe in the Arms of Jesus

What a great mother she was. Even though she had a difficult life she made mine wonderful and poured her love into me. I loved her hugs and kisses and everywhere I went until the very end I knew her love was with me. Whatever I have today, whatever I have become, whatever I have accomplished - it's because of my mother and what she taught me, what she did for me and what she poured into me. I owe her so much.
My mom was the kind of mom that everyone wants to have. Friends would often say, "I love your mom!" As a teenager I would usually replay, "Yeah, but you don't have to live with her!" However, I knew how special she was even then. She was a Sunday School teacher and was the Jr. Soldier Sergeant in her Salvation Army Corps. She was also a Guider and was a Brown Owl for 13 years. I can't imagine how many children she ministered to over the years but I know that she was very special to all of them.
I don't think we're ever really prepared to lose a parent, no matter how long they live or how old we are. I cannot imagine what life will be like without her. I feel like an orphan. I want her back.
However, I know that she is full of joy with God, living in the room He prepared for her. I've read John 14 to many people who have lost loved ones.
“Don’t be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me. My Father’s house has room to spare. If that weren’t the case, would I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you? When I go to prepare a place for you, I will return and take you to be with me so that where I am you will be too. You know the way to the place I’m going.”
I've often thought how empty this must sound when you're filled with grief, but I tell you it is a comfort. I feel better knowing that she's safe and with Jesus, that she's happy and at peace with a whole body and spirit. No more strokes.No more paralysis. No more bed sores. No more thickened liquids that taste disgusting. With her voice back I'm sure she's singing away..... "I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air...."
I'll join her one day. Not too soon, but when I do, I know I'll be so happy to be in her arms once again. Mom, Dad, Me and Jesus!
grace... Kathie
I'm very sorry for your loss, Kathie. Your Mom was a lovely woman, and I know she will be dearly missed by not just her family, but by all those who knew her, even briefly like I did.