The Great Rip Out

What? Rip the whole thing out?
So she did and then I did.
First I started with the edging. I had to do some snipping, which meant I had fluffies everywhere from the yarn - Sirdar's Snuggly Bubbly, a yarn with little nubbies every inch or so. I was good with that though. Not as bad as the dog hair lately. Once I got through the edging, I was ready to find that elusive end and begin to take it apart.
The only way to do it is to rip. Just grab it and rip away, rolling it all back up again into a ball. Roll after roll, rip after rip. Now I've started all over again. This time in the right size for Mailea. Even though she's six, she measures only a 22 chest size which is what they usually give for a two year old. She's a good head smaller than the others in her class but no one will know what size the poncho is, it will be made just for her.
Ripping out the poncho made me think of a prayer I know well...
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
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