Happy Birthday!

July 2, 2006 - Sheena & Sarah turn 24! We celebrate with a nice party - all our immediate family and then Uncle Edmund & Aunt Caroline came and also Uncle Paul. Patricia & Memo came with Paola as well - a huge crowd, lots of food and way too much dessert including the BD cake.

They look so grown up now - each have three children! I can't imagine how fast that went. It seems like yesterday they were dancing in front of the video camera signing away pretending they were singing stars. It seems like just moments ago we were dealing with raging hormones, pimples and well, just plain old teenage girl stuff. Actually, I like them all grown up. They were fun when they were young, but they are really nice young women. I like being with them and don't have enough time to spend with them at all.

I thank God for these two girls in my life - I was truly blessed the day God knit them together in my womb. How precious they were - two tiny, little beings who came crashing into my life when I least expected it - now I couldn't imagine my life without them and I don't know what I'll do to cope when the time comes to ever separate from them. God knows, though - only through His strength do we do anything at all.



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